DJ Cooper

DJ Cooper is a #1 bestselling author of the apocalypse.

A prolific writer of all things ending the world as you know it.

Visit her on the web.

She holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Creative Writing/English from Southern New Hampshire University. She holds a Master’s in Marketing that helps her understand this world of bookselling. Also a Master of Fine Arts in English/Creative Writing where she also works toward helping her fellow authors.

Owner and valued member of the Angry Eagle Publishing Staff she works tirelessly to publish and promote other authors.

She’s a writer of humor, research articles, and commentaries for her blog. Informative articles for magazines such as The Odyssey and Prepare Magazine. Her books are post-apocalyptic fiction, focusing on real-life scenarios.

She currently lives in New England but worked in and around the Cincinnati, Ohio area flipping houses. During that time she spent much of it in the areas of Kentucky she writes about in the Dystopia books, offering a first-hand view into her locations.

Her books often focus on preparedness and this is no wonder as she is the owner of The Self-Reliance Expo & Prepper Podcast each the longest running preparedness entity in their industry.

Apocalypse Fire Trilogy

Her latest series follows two groups desperate to survive in an uncertain and havoc filled world. Join the characters with Jace who struggle to survive not only the catastrophic world but deceit and treachery within their ranks. This highly rated bestselling series is not one you will soon forget.

The Dystopia Series

An ongoing saga of life beyond what they called the reset. This first book is about a group of preparedness-minded people who see danger on the horizon and prepare for the worst. The second is what is known as a parallel book, it chronicles the travels of a mixed bunch for over 900 miles to the safety of the farm in Kentucky. The third is a character novel full of suspense and surprises. Who could have known a betrayal was on the horizon for the small group?

The matriarch of the group Dez is desperately trying to maintain the safety and welfare of the small clan. The tension builds and what could be the end of them all looms on the horizon. Book 4 in the series “The Dark Days” shows the strength and perseverance of the small group. All four books are available now on Amazon.

Nine Meals From Anarchy

A series of stand alone books that chronicle the first nine meals of any event. Sir Alfred Henry Lewis said, “Mankind is only nine meals from anarchy.” With this premise in mind the characters bring to life the swift decline in an apocalypse.

Insurrection Series

A young adult dystopian series written alongside N.A. Broadley. —Raw and sometimes brutal this story shines with the spirit of rebellion—
Brother and sister, Kael and Zyla struggle against the harsh confines of their society. A life after the apocalypse, where servitude is second nature. Comply or face the Arena.
The two struggle to survive against impossible odds and a social system utterly bent on their destruction. To Save his sister Kael does the unthinkable and now stands face to face with his own fate. If they are to survive each will have to be stronger than they ever thought possible.

Shadow Wars Trilogy

A collaborative effort with N.A. Broadley and Marcus Richardson, Shadow Wars is a shared universe where anyone can add to this adventure (learn more here). The world is doomed if our characters don’t fight. See how they overcome and find the root cause of the chaos in this epic adventure.

The Anthologies

DJ Cooper has produced or contributed to a number of anthologies. Find them on Amazon

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