• Marketing,  The Write Life,  Uncategorized

    I Like It On My Desk

    My purse of course… Does anyone remember the Facebook statuses that prompted women to put simply the color of their bra for their status, or the “I like it…” followed by the location of your purse? The goal was to raise awareness for breast cancer, and it was meant to draw attention and get people to ask what it was all about. The post went viral and soon every timeline it seemed had the same post with no explanation as to the reason why. Did it actually raise awareness for breast cancer or merely spur a lengthy litany to follow about bad dates. Something that we might want to note…

  • Indie authors,  Marketing,  Publishing World,  The Write Life,  Uncategorized

    The Indie Author

      Much Ado About Self-Publishing   Writing in the indie world is an uphill climb. Many excellent writers, glorious storytellers with magical mysteries flowing onto pages, are never seen. Manuscripts being sent for review with high hopes. The only response received… rejection after rejection. Dashing hopes, and sometimes silencing dreams for good, these struggles plague many authors.

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